giovedì 6 maggio 2021


Water pollution is a change caused in the chimical, physical, or biological properties of the water that has the capacity of destroying the living organism.  Water pollution is the contamination of water bodies like: lakes, rivers, oceans, aquifers and sea, all forms of pollution are usually caused by human interference. There are many causes of water pollution, some of them are:

Sewage or wastewater


Oil pollution

Acid rain

Industrial waste

This pollution has an impact on our ecosystem because it is extremely fragile. Even a simple change can lead the ecosystem to react and impact on the environment. If the water system is unchecked in a particular locality, then the whole ecosystem of that particular area may collapse.

Due to the presence of plastic materials in waters  plastic islands have formed in the sea or in oceans, the most known is the “ Pacific Trash Vortex”. That is a huge accumulation of floating garbage, composed mainly of plastic materials, located in the Pacific Ocean.

 Pasquale Mazzocca 2H

disegno di Ludovica Sepe 2H

cross-word puzzel di Ludovica Sepe 2H

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